The Pangea USA team, along with Executive Director Nicole Minor, recently returned from 3 weeks in Kenya, meeting with our partners on the ground and with the women and youth in our programs. Overall we taught over 350 women basic First Aid, started 2 new Cooperatives with support from corporate sponsor Afren plc. and had amazing meetings focused on our growth as an organization and telling stories of success. One of the many stories we want to share is of Anne, a member of a newer The Pangea Network cooperative.

One night Anne’s 6-year old daughter went to get some supplies from a neighborhood man and didn’t come back when she was supposed to. When Anne’s daughter returned that night, she found that she had been raped by the neighborhood man. Thankfully her daughter survived the ordeal and with the care of her mother is continuing to recover. The police initially did nothing and the man was not convicted. Often times in Anne’s community and communities like it around the world, these types of crimes go unpunished.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to JUSTICE everywhere.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Every night Anne’s daughter would come home scared, knowing her rapist was only a few hundred yards away from her home. Anne felt hopeless, not knowing her options. Then Anne went to a Pangea Network class on human rights and justice training classes, part of our required 6-month cooperative education program that is mandatory for all women. After the class, taught by Pangea Kenya Country Director and Attorney Dorothy Ombajo, Anne knew that she had the power to fight for justice. Surrounded with the support of her cooperative of determined women and with advice from Pangea staff, Anne was able to work towards getting her daughters rapist off the streets.

As we pulled into Anne’s cooperative this January to teach First Aid, Anne ran out with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, giving all Pangea staff heartfelt hugs. Anne’s rapist was finally convicted, and now her daughter can sleep at night and is able to focus on school. It was Anne’s duty to protect her daughter and The Pangea Network could not be more proud of her for fighting for justice.

Everyday crimes go unpunished, perpetrators walk free, and victims sleep in fear. Knowing your rights and having support and determination to fight for your rights is all it takes to make change. From Anne and everyone at The Pangea Network thank you for your continued support. May we all continue to work towards a more just world.