Meet Zipporah, The Pangea Network’s October Kenyan Woman of the Month.
- Name
Zipporah - Age
33 - What Pangea Women’s Network Cooperative are you apart of?
Sauti ya Wajane - Tell us about yourself
I am a 33-year-old widow and mother of three children aged 10, 8 and 5 years. I am also business woman who owns a grocery shop in Kibera’s Ayany area. Through this, I am able to earn money for my family’s keep. These needs include things like food, clothes, rent and school fees for the children. I have the vision of one day becoming a land lady so I can rent out houses to people, an investment from which I will have some sort of steady income. - What are you most proud of?
I am proud of the fact that I own a business and have seen it grow for the past two years. I am able to cater for my needs and save as well in order that I may realize my dream of becoming a land lady. I am also proud to be associated with Sauti ya Wajane because through it I encountered Pangea Network which gave me a wealth of knowledge that I would, otherwise, not have received. - What is the most important lesson you’ve learned with The Pangea Network?
Nutrition and Book keeping. I learnt the importance of a well-balanced meal at all times. Not only do I ensure that my children and I have balanced meals when we eat our meals, but I have also incorporated a variety of foods in my grocery shop so that my customers can also enjoy balanced meals. In addition to kales, spinach, tomatoes, onions, capsicum, avocados and bananas, I also sell eggs and omena (small fish). Book keeping is also key in my business. I keep track of my expenses and savings so I can work towards realizing my dreams. My advice to other women is that they should join cooperatives so they can benefit from programs offered to them by different organizations such as Pangea Network so as to better their lives.