August Kenyan Student of the Month

Joshua Oluoch

Age 19

Where did you go to school?

St. Mary’s Yala, Boys’ High School

What is your favorite subject in school and what do you want to do when you graduate?

My favorite subjects while in high school were Geography, English and Kiswahili. I would like to pursue a course in Civil Engineering in college or university.

What are you most proud of?

As a Pangea-sponsored student, I am proud of the chance that the organization has given me to achieve my dreams. It has been an amazing experience that I will forever be grateful for.

What skills have you learned during the COVID-19 pandemic?

I have gained leadership skills while in school which gave me the courage to vie for the position of Assistant School Captain. The leadership skills I acquired enabled me to lead myself, my fellow students and the people around me.

How has COVID-19 Pandemic affected you as a student?

I learned various skills during COVID-19 such as painting, how to start and manage a business.

As a student, I was affected in that schools were closed for a certain period last year. This happened at a time I was supposed to sit for my Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCPE) examinations. I had to spend 5 more months in school. As a high school graduate, this made me receive a lot of pressure and panic. It also meant that I had to go the extra mile to obtain good grades.

What is your favorite thing about being in The Pangea Network?

My favorite thing about the Pangea Network is how it has helped me live with my brothers, who have made a lot of impact in my life. I have also been able to tackle most of my life challenges because of the guidance and counseling I’ve received from the Pangea Network.
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